Stokesia laevis
Select large flowered form of the species, vigorous and long flowering. Medium height bushy plant, earlier than asters but works to same effect amongst other perennials.
Popular in Mediterranean dishes combining well with bay, rosemary and sage flavours. Also a attractive cottage garden plant if you like mixing your herbs and flowers.
Popular in Mediterranean dishes combining well with bay, rosemary and sage flavours. Also a attractive cottage garden plant if you like mixing your herbs and flowers.
Data sheet
Select large flowered form of the species, vigorous and long flowering. Medium height bushy plant, earlier than asters but works to same effect amongst other perennials.
Pink form of Salvia nemorosa, best suited to bedding and mass plantings for bold colour effect during summer.
One of the first perennials my mother gave me, a delightful old fashioned ground cover for under roses, where it will remain well behaved forever, or until overgrown by an invasive neighbour. Easily revived and transplanted however, and not to be confused with 'Claridge Druce' or other inferior Geranium oxonianum hybrids.
Ornamental origanum with purple flowers, most valued for floral work, and its long flowering period in the summer border. Mild flavour, can also be used in various lamb and poultry dishes.
Bold plant for hot dry banks and rocky places where nothing else will thrive. Tall spires of decorative blue flowers in summer. Bees love echiums!
More sun tolerant than other hydrangea varieties, but adaptable to part shade also. Beautiful deciduous variety with densely clustered white panicles in summer. Lovely feature plant behind perennials with deciduous viburnums, or grouped in woodland settings.
Perfectly white flowers, with all the good aspects of the other Salvia nemorosa varieties. Very frost tolerant, ideal bedding plant, will repeat flower in fertile soil.
Rose pink form of Viola odorata, use as ground cover in shade under trees amongst Dicentra and Hostas.
A wonderful lime green variety, which visitors always comment on when in flower. A tidy plant that flowers for a long time and doesn't get too tall for the border.
Decorative grass with fluffy 'cats tail' seed heads. Does not seed in our summer dry temperate climates, but can be a strong seeder in warmer humid climates if seed heads not trimmed before dispersal.
Spectacular background border plant, where it will make a good show during summer with sufficent moisture. Attractive flowers in clusters, purple stems like Angelica gigas.
A brilliant low grass with outstanding flowers and seedheads, suitable for massed foreground plantings in landscape design work or in clusters amongst other perennials. A slender plant so plant closely at 25cm for best results. Not self seeding in our trial stockbeds.
The low growing spreading form of this cistus, it will get to about knee high an a metre or so across. Beautiful with prostrate rosemary, Euphorbia, and Salvia nemorosa.
Slender wiry stems topped with lolly pink pompoms about the size of a mulberry, flowering for months in summer. Like other sanguisorba they are drought tolerant, but like some clay below the surface.
Superb dark foliage variety, slightly darker in colour than 'Purple Emperor' with a strong mounding habit.