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Larger agave, but still slow growing like most in a temperate climate. Attractive blue tinged erect saw toothed leaves.
Larger agave, but still slow growing like most in a temperate climate. Attractive blue tinged erect saw toothed leaves.
Data sheet
Low growing plant for shade or part shade, with spreading ground covering habit and porcelian blue flowers. Prefers open textured soil and easily divided once established, combines well with other woodland plants like anemone, rodgersia, and epimedium.
A recent release from our trial beds, begins as brighter musk pink then fades to soft pink then eventually cream, subtle and lovely and multicoloured tones as the flowers age. Easily cultivated like other yarrows in full sun.
Attractive dark stemmed form of Hydrangea macrophylla, flowers can vary from blue in acid soil or pink in alkaline. Old fashioned mop top flowers, good for floral work.
Old fashioned shade-loving primrose with burgundy gold edged flowers. Choice and lovely.
Native to the Pyrenees, a good blue variety forming a rounded mound of foliage and flowers in mid-summer. Combines well with Geranium 'Mavis Simpson' and sedums. Ensure planting in ground: not good in pots.
Winter flowering species with apricot and green flowers, soft grey blue folage, likes clay soil types.
An attractive species with glossy leaves and an showy leaf rosette. Amber flowers clustered tightly on tall stems.
Purple foliage plant with white flowers, for clay soils or wet areas, much loved by flower arrangers. Creates good foliage infill where needed.
Superb tall drumstick type allium with white flowers, ensure very well drained soil and not too wet in winter and dry in summer, especially after flowering
A superb variety, flowering long into autumn with rich indigo flowers. Tip prune young plants to encourage bushy form before flowering. Ideal with roses and in cottage gardens.
Sculptural rosette forming succulent, attractive in a pot, border, or rock garden setting. Prefers part shade during really hot periods, otherwise drought hardy. Wild populations now endangered so please nuture these in your garden.
Huge ornamental rhubarb from Brazil, suited to pond, bog, and streamside plantings. The leaves can be 1.5 - 2.5 m across, on stems up to 2.5 m in sheltered conditions.
A lovely species from Greece, useful as a ground-cover for part-sun with attractive velvety leaves and deep blue flowers. Closely related to Geranium ibiricum.
Seed grown plants from our white flowered form, with dark purple leaves. All plants have purple leaves, with a variation from cream to light blue flowers.
Long flowering agastache great for attracting butterflies into the garden. Summer flowering and one of the better agastache we have trialled, fertile loamy soil best, and will tolerate some clay if worked and mulched. We find these will only tolerate light occasional frost.
Larger agave, but still slow growing like most in a temperate climate. Attractive blue tinged erect saw toothed leaves.