Scabiosa 'Pink Lace'
A terrific evergreen ground covering plant with a long flowering season, ideal beneath roses or amongst meadow or perennial border plantings. Very useful for foreground plantings as its only knee high and creates good fill.
A tall cultivar flowering later than the species with pale blue semi-double flowers.
A tall cultivar flowering later than the species with pale blue semi-double flowers.
Data sheet
A terrific evergreen ground covering plant with a long flowering season, ideal beneath roses or amongst meadow or perennial border plantings. Very useful for foreground plantings as its only knee high and creates good fill.
This is the rarely offered white form, lovely cut flower and cottage garden perennial. To grow effectively, avoid winter wet as much as possible and grow in a raised bed or well drained soil.
Native to the Black Sea and southern Georgia, a fine evergreen iris rarely seen in Australia. Grow in a cottage garden or perennial border setting, where it will produce blue flowers in mid winter. Visually very similar to Iris unguicularis flowering a few weeks later here in winter, however broader bladed & overall better foliage.
A Sedum spectabile cultivar with dark terracotta red flowers. Upright habit, always reliable for late summer and autumn colour.
Dome-forming clumper for the rockgarden or border, flowering profusely during summer with mounds of purple bells. Non-invasive and generally tidy when not in flower. Dislikes acid soil.
Rich pink form of Phlox paniculata, lovely upright tall flower stems, variety originally distributed by Frogmore Gardens. One of the more vigorous varieties but like all paniculata types, loves fertility and good soil with plenty of summer moisture!
An attractive foliage contrast to plant with hostas and woodland plants in moist shade or part sun around water features. These flower well in summer, and look great with Ligularia, Thalictrum and Filipendula as a backdrop. Rose pink flowers.
Native to the Himalayas from Afghanistan to Sikkim, a clumping perennial with attractive trifoliate leaves and deep crimson red flowers.
Impressive cottage garden plant and cut flower, perennial in well drained soil, but easily reproduced by seed or cuttings.
Our own variety which we have multiplied from division, flame orange fading into chesnut brown.
Heleniums are the mainstay of summer togeather with miscanthus, sedums and perovskia. They need virtually no water and put on a great display in our border despite being completely neglected. This is the wild occurring yellow flowered form.
A very beautiful plant with unusual white arching flower spikes. The foliage colours well in colder areas; both flowers and foliage are a delight for the flower arranger. Allow some room as plants will clump out substantially in a few years. Sun or dappled shade on moist soil.
Wonderfully exotic looking temperate plant from the Chatham Islands with large glossy leaves and blue flowers. Easily grown in woodland settings but needs good drainage.
Pinkish purple form of paniculata, old fashioned colour good with David Austin roses. Best grown in a herbaceous border or cottage garden setting.
Old variety from Ken Gillanders collection; lovely ground covering habit and long flowering. I love finding new Helianthemum varieties, and value them greatly in our coastal dry herbaceous border, where they flower over a long period.
Perennial wallflower that begins purple and transforms to apricot peachy tones as the flowers age, giving a lovely effect. Winter flowering, bird and butterfly attracting, fragrant.
A tall cultivar flowering later than the species with pale blue semi-double flowers.